Friday, June 21, 2013

Now entering Nevada together in the car, we plunge into our second state.
Remember that pine tree?

Lake Tahoe, as seen from U.S. 50 on the lake's eastern (Nevada) side. Having climbed out of the Tahoe Basin, - the highway now winds its way down a canyon. Now we are about to descend into Nevada's capital, Carson City. - The pine trees have rapidly disappeared.  There aren't many trees here - but they are a lot more than we will soon be seeing.
The Lincoln Highway ran through downtown Carson City, but now U.S. 50 bypasses - the downtown.  On the eastern outskirts of the city, we pass the turnoff for historic - Virginia City, once a boomtown for silver mining and now primarily a tourist trap. East of Carson City, U.S. 50, the Lincoln Highway, becomes a two lane road. We spot our first Lincoln Highway sign in Nevada in the town of Fallon. A small cluster of sand dunes east of Fallon. This view is typical for what we will see crossing Nevada: - Flat valleys alternating with mountain ranges.
Fittingly, today Bill wore an old U.S. 50 T-shirt that he bought several years ago.

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