Tuesday, October 5:

Today showers and thunderstorms were forecast, so we took a driving trip south of town to check out some overlooks. We got rain on the way out there, but luckily it quit before we made any stops. We picnicked at one of the overlooks. Coming home we saw several rainbows, but we experienced no rain.

This formation was named 'Jail Rock' because it had a hole in it - that someone could be dropped into and he would be unable to escape. - We got a kick out of a park sign for it that mislabeled it 'Jailhouse Rock', - which of course is not the rock, but is an Elvis Presley song. - The creator of the sign had mixed up the two. That's the same potash mine we had seen at Dead Horse State Park.
Wednesday, October 6: -  - Today was Chuck's 55th birthday.  We headed for Canyonlands National Park, which is southwest of Moab.  Our first stop was 'Newspaper Rock', with lots of Indian petroglyphs.  Next, after a stop or two along the road to take photos, we came to the visitors' center, where we ate our picnic lunch.  Then we drove out to Elephant Hill to hike into the Needles area of the park. -  - When we got back to the car, Larry suddenly felt quite exhausted, and he slept part of the way back to Moab. Chuck said he wanted to eat at Pizza Hut for his birthday, so we went there for dinner. Larry had no appetite, though, and he couldn't eat most of his meal.  I realized he had 'hit the wall', as runners and hikers say.  He had used up all of his energy stores.  I realized he should not hike much tomorrow, and I told him he needed to rest.  Either these Indians could not count to 5, they had extra toes, or the number of toes a man - had was culturally not important to them.  It was probably the last of those reasons.

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