There is lots of beautiful stained glass in the building.

The main dining room The Study The La Castre Castle above Cannes -- now a museum The Cannes Film Festival had just closed prior to our visit. - The red carpet was still there going up the stairs to the theater. In Hollywood they have the famous stars in the side walk. - Here in Cannes they have the hand prints of stars in the sidewalk.
Cannes beach We found another merry-go-around We're waiting for the train back to Nice at the Cannes station. The next day we head east out of Nice for Beaulieu. - The road hugs the side of the steep mountain. We are traveling on Princess Grace of Monaco Boulevard
A close up of the Villefranche beach and town. - You can see where the train enters a tunnel here. Another view of Villefranche. Now back in Nice, at the site of Terra Amata - built by the Romans about 100 BC.  This is the thermal spa. They built a complete town on the hillside -- homes, arenas, spas and shops. This is all that remains of the town.

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