The La Castre Castle above Cannes -- now a museum

The Cannes Film Festival had just closed prior to our visit. - The red carpet was still there going up the stairs to the theater. In Hollywood they have the famous stars in the side walk. - Here in Cannes they have the hand prints of stars in the sidewalk. Cannes beach We found another merry-go-around We're waiting for the train back to Nice at the Cannes station.
The next day we head east out of Nice for Beaulieu. - The road hugs the side of the steep mountain. We are traveling on Princess Grace of Monaco Boulevard A close up of the Villefranche beach and town. - You can see where the train enters a tunnel here. Another view of Villefranche. Now back in Nice, at the site of Terra Amata - built by the Romans about 100 BC.  This is the thermal spa.
They built a complete town on the hillside -- homes, arenas, spas and shops. This is all that remains of the town. The water plant for the city of Nice. We arrive in the small country of Monaco and the city of Monte Carlo. - The marble hallway leads from the train platform to the street. On the streets of Monte Carlo

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