Note these signs -- like all road signs in Ireland, the names are shown in both Gaelic and English

A typical Irish motorway seen as we come into Limerick We pass Saint Mary's Cathedral King John's Castle in Limerick on the banks of the River Shannon An ancient bridge across the River Shannon The stone at the location where the Treaty of Limerick was signed in 1691.
New and old buildings in downtown Limerick These beautiful flower arrangements lined the main street of Limerick The view from our room at the Strand Hotel overlooking the River Shannon Friday, August 19 -- We experience a rainy morning as we head for the Clare coast. - This is Bunratty Castle just outside Limerick which we'll visit tonight. Scenes of the Irish countryside seen from the coach as we travel west toward the coast.
We turn here in the town of Ennistimon for the Cliffs of Mohr The Lehinch Golf Course, supposedly the most rugged course in all of Europe

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