Rick Martin's Visit

May 10, 2001

Rick Martin was out on the West Coast on vacation. He is a friend we know from when we lived in Chicago. (He still lives there.) He came by out place on May 10 and we took a drive up to Point Reyes. This is a slide show of the photos we took that day.

Pictures will be displayed in order. After seeing each picture, click on it to see the next one. If you want to skip some, you can see small versions of the next 15 that are coming at the bottom. Click on the first one of those that you want to see, and you will skip ahead.

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A description is shown over each photo. You can also see the descriptions for upcoming photos by placing your mouse pointer over the small version of the photo before you click on it. This works on PCs but may not work on some other systems.

When you've seen the last photo, asking for the next one will bring you back to this page.


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