Visit to Lexx and Kevin's New Property
West Point, California
May, 2018

Page 3

Brandon and Lexx at the river's edge.

The river is lined by granite rocks, boulders and trees.  Their
property goes to the rocks on the other side of the river.

Lexx is out on one of the boulders in the river.

Walking along the river's edge.

Looking up stream.  Notice on the lower left
the twigs and branches caught by the rocks.

Larry works on cleaning out those twigs and branches at the river's edge.

Close up shot of the small waterfall.

Lexx is checking the water temperature
climbing among the trees.  The water is cold!

Lexx is making his way to Kevin, then both
climb out on the bigger rock in the river.

Kevin is exploring.

We begin our climb back up the steep part
of the trail to return to the house.

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